032: Drive Angry vs The Weatherman

OH MY GOD THEY’RE BACK! That’s right people. Why not sit back and relax with a nice cool glass of G&T (Greg and Tom) as we continue with season/series 2 of Cage Fight or “The Continued Adventures of Cage Fight” or “Back Once Again With the ReneCAGE Master” - perhaps thin of your own. Anyway - this time we pitch “Oh good god that’s some grumpy transit” against “BILLY! from Ally McBeal! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! LEAVE HIM ALONE!”


XMAS SPECIAL: Cage Fight vs Internal Cauldron of Emotions

Did you really think we’d end this year without a little something for Christmas? AND HERE IT IS! A while back, Gregory done a mess up and lost some important audio for one of the episodes and we feared it lost for all time. BUT WAIT - our Floridian friends over at the Internal Cauldron of Emotions were able to help us out and we are able to bring to you this XMAS EXTRAVAGANZA! Kind of a mash up of the 2 best Nick Cage podcasts the internet has to offer. Listen, enjoy, share, repeat, etc, KISS

024: Pay the Ghost vs Honeymoon in Vegas

Welcome to Cage Fight RAW! That’s right my people, this one is almost entirely not edited. Not because we no longer care about you. If anything, we care so much more than ever before. But because Greg’s away from his computer and all his editing stuff so had to use stupid smelly audacity and doesn’t know how to use stupid smelly audacity so just took out the libel and was done with it. anyway … enjoy

023: Joe vs City of Angels

TRIGGER WARNING: During the chat about the movie Joe, we discuss sexual assault. Its only brief, but if that is likely to upset you, you might want to skip this one.

Hello everyone - we are once more here battling trough another 2 movies. meaning we are another step closer to discovering which Cage movie is best that all others! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! god its a shame that he wasn’t in Highlander. imagine if he was and that movie ended up winning. that would have been ace